Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Getting things accomplished

I spent most of yesterday working on IN THE MOOD. It's coming along pretty well. I woke up this morning with the first two chapters of UNWRAPPED taking shape in my mind, but unfortunately when I checked my inbox my editor had sent the final version of NEVER LOVE A STRANGER back for me to take another look. So I spent about three hours this morning going over STRANGER with another fine-toothed comb. My editor made no significant changes (a few minor changes in spelling were about all she did to it), but I found a few redundancies I wanted to correct and a few other things, so I changed any problems I found and sent it back. I *hope* it'll be out Friday, but I'm not sure it's been proofed yet, so we'll have to see. My editor did say it was "wonderful" and that readers ought to "go nuts" about it, but I guess that's up to the readers *g*. But it was nevertheless nice to hear.

Anyway, at least I know how I'm going to start UNWRAPPED now. But my writing time is shot for the morning-- the three-year-old is hanging on my leg and demanding breakfast, and the nine-year-old is outside playing with friends, so I have to go pay attention to my kids:-).

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