Monday, February 27, 2006


The second round of edits on Shadows is finished, and it is now residing in my editor's inbox. Yay!

While Googling myself (and yeah, I know, nice girls don't do that alone:-), I came across the following post, made about a month ago by Sharon on Writeminded: "I was excited when I first heard that a new epublisher (Samhain Publishing) was launching, especially when I saw their author lineup. I logged in on the very first day because Lora Leigh released a title with them. (we already know I’m a Lora Leigh fan girl) ...So anyway, I went back and OMG, have you seen the 'coming soon' list? Uhm there are oodles of books I want, and I don’t want to wait for them (Remember my issues with self gratification): Jaci Burton, N.J. Walters, Sasha White, Ellen Fisher, and Melani Blazer just to name a few."

Wow... she's excited to see me on that list? Really??? When I look at the huge names on the Samhain coming soon page, I'm thrilled to be listed among them, but I find it a little difficult to believe anybody's really looking forward to my book when they could be waiting for Jaci Burton and Rosemary Laurey. You know what I mean? Sharon just gave me a serious shot in the ego... thanks so much, Sharon!

1 comment:

  1. How very cool! It's always fun to find things like that! :)
