Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in review

2010 has had its ups and its downs. Physically and personally, it's kind of sucked. The Crohn's got way out of control in the summer, and I'm still dealing with it, to the point that I had to have a blood transfusion right before Christmas to help with the anemia. They keep sending me to new specialists, and I hope before long we'll hit on a combination of drugs that will get it under control. And toward the end of the year my dad got sick, and spent a lot of time in the hospital (though he's out now and back at home, which is wonderful and amazing considering his age). On the up side, my kids are doing great and seem very happy now, and that's what matters most.

Meanwhile, my writing career, which had been pretty much nonexistent for three years after my husband died, took off again. All of that is entirely due to self-publishing (I have sold quite a few of my Samhain books recently, but they were not selling at all till I started up with the indie publishing). I started on Amazon, and then expanded to B&N. I've been happy with my sales since March, but December was the first month in which I did very, very well. I'm hopeful this is the start of an upward trend for my sales, and not just a fluke, but of course there's no way of telling yet. I'll be interested to see what happens in 2011.

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