Friday, December 31, 2004

Submitting, reading, watching TV

I finally decided to send my small children's manuscript, THE FIRST GRADER FROM OUTER SPACE, to an e-publisher (which also produces some paperbacks). I only know of one that takes children's manuscripts. My daughter has been begging me to get it published because she loves the story, and I didn't have much luck finding an agent for it, so I figured I'd try the small press route. I sent it out yesterday afternoon.

Yesterday I finally got around to reading ONCE IN A BLUE MOON, by Penelope Williamson. This has been on my TBR list for quite some time, but I haven't been very much into historicals lately. This is a terrific one, though. I really enjoyed it. Despite its vintage (1993) it's not a bodice ripper. (I was a little disappointed earlier this year when I finally picked up Brenda Joyce's THE CONQUEROR, from the same era, and realized how much rape there was in it. Ugh.) It's a very nicely written story.

And DH and I have been watching one of my new DVD sets in the evenings-- MORK AND MINDY. I used to love this show when I was a kid, but I have to admit it's not *quite* as funny as I remember. Robin Williams is still hilarious when he cuts loose, but the rest of the actors are all stiff as boards. Tonight I think I'm going to break out my new Star Wars DVD set and watch that. Yeah, I'm a geek... what of it??


  1. LOL--We already broke out the new Star Wars DVD set! *g* I'm now contemplating breaking out either the new Buffy, Angel, or Return of the King set! ; )

  2. Well, hello, fellow geek *g*. I got the Return of the King set for Christmas too. But I'm having a bit of trouble convincing DH to watch it... he's not overwhelmingly fond of the LOTR movies, and when I told him this one ran over four hours, he cringed:-).
