Monday, January 3, 2005

A movie

I took my dd (9-1/2) to see SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS yesterday afternoon. She adores the books (she just got THE GRIM GROTTO for Christmas and devoured it in an hour) and she's been looking forward to the movie. Unfortunately *g*, neither of us liked it too much. She was disappointed that it didn't follow the books more closely, and she felt too much of the plot had been compressed or left out entirely. I'm not sure exactly why I didn't like it, but it left me with an "eh" feeling. I liked the child actors, and I liked the actors playing the minor parts, and I didn't even mind Jim Carrey that much, but somehow the plot just didn't really hang together for me.

Oh, well. I'm not much of a movie person anyway. I did enjoy the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with my oldest... I have so many durn kids it can be hard to actually have a conversation with one of them sometimes. We had a nice little talk in the car, and that was certainly fun!

In other news, I have a Vision for the futuristic I need to finish up for my other publisher... I woke up with the Vision dancing clearly before me, and now all I have to do is get to my keyboard long enough to type out the Vision before it fades from my brain. Good thing the kids are going back to school today!

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