Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Work, work, work

As the baby settles into a routine I'm finding it easier to work (although he's a lot livelier now than he was, so the routine is changing over time). Yesterday I critiqued about a third of my cp's manuscript. In the afternoon I pulled out I'll Be There For You, as I mentioned in my blog entry yesterday, and suddenly knew what I had to do to finish it. (Weird how I get these flashes of inspiration... if only I got them more often *wry grin*.) I wrote like a fiend and got it up to 25,000 words-- practically done already. In the evening DH reviewed the first half of it for me and agreed that it was pretty good.

Also, my cp got back to me last night. She said she stayed up till 2:00 am the first night reading Farthest Space, and couldn't wait to get back to reading it again. According to her, it's perfect the way it is, and doesn't need a thing. (When I read her note to DH, he said ominously, "I bet I can find something wrong with it." Snort. He's a cruel, cold man:-). But I'm glad at least one reader thinks it works well. I always worry harder about my futuristics... they're a little harder to write, even the spoofy ones!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    Those flashes...I think I know what you mean. I am not any pro, no no no, writing is just my hobby, but a pleasant one. And those flashes...I have collected some characters...and when I am working with them adding new ones and changing names and so on...suddenly they begin to speak to me. They may mention thing or two, but I try to write those things down so they are there when I find out more. I know...sounds odd, but that is how it goes.
