Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Various stuff

Case in point to illustrate my current reading habits: I made a little jaunt to the bookstore today. I bought Warprize, Dark Lover, What Dreams May Come, and Do You Believe? All fantasy or paranormal.

An interesting note: Rowena Cherry (Forced Mate) has a short story, Mating Net, coming from none other than NCP in October.

And finally, Brenda Coulter complains on her blog about her editor's characterization of her book as "unjustified." Ha... that's nothing to complain about. I still remember getting my manuscript back from Bantam with a terse note: "Here is your foul manuscript." I was genuinely shocked and hurt until I looked it up and found that "foul" is a publishing term for "marked up." Still... who you callin' foul, lady???


  1. I wonder who came up with that idea? Foul?

  2. A write, no doubt. Whenever I see marks on an MS I think 'sweet, wonderful' thoughts.


  3. WHAT? I'd have freaked out over 'foul' too. LOL

    And, just so you know (for no particular reason), my word confirmation thingy to post this comment is longer than the comment itself. LOL
