Thursday, December 15, 2005

Done and a publication date

I'm happy to say that I actually wrote "The End" on The Shadows of Night this afternoon. I'm not totally happy with the ending, and certain aspects of the story need fleshing out a bit, but finishing it is a big step. It now has 37,000 words, and it will probably grow a bit more in edits. Of course, since it's a series, there are some plot threads that weren't totally tied up in this novella, but the main romance itself is pretty well wrapped up. Book 2 will feature a different hero and heroine.

I'm now officially on the Samhain site, and I have a publication date! Go here to read the blurb. The publication date is March 21. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on THE END! I don't reach those words often enough myself. So I know how hard it is to reach them.
