Wednesday, September 1, 2004

A fan letter

I got a terrific fan letter yesterday. To begin with, it was from a reader in Spain-- it's always cool to realize people in other countries are reading your books. The woman told me she'd read my short story THE NERD PRINCE and liked it so much she promptly downloaded all four of my other available books. It's not surprising she read THE NERD PRINCE first-- it's my cheapest release, so I imagine people who've never read my books but want to give me a try might be inclined to start with PRINCE first. But I am amazed she liked it well enough to buy all my other books, since as a short story, THE NERD PRINCE doesn't have the depth of some of my other releases. I'm thrilled she liked it so much, though. I just hope she realizes all my books aren't light contemporaries!


  1. Now this is the best review. Enjoy it. You earned it.

  2. Happy Belated B-Day Ellen. What a wonderful gift :-)!
